


An investigator in the aggressive stance, said to me..."show me your Tattoo's"! At my surprise at the question (because she never asked if i had tattoo's) i said "madam, I don't have any tattoo's, only scars.I rolled up my sleeve and showed the lady the scar left from a gun shot wound I obtained when I was only a child, too young to even understand why I was shot.

The lady was so shocked that she began stuttering. I asked her what was wrong and she explained to me that she had never met anyone that was shot before. The fragment of the bullet is still in my arm until today threatening my livelihood.

How many of us carry those scars under our clothes?

Some people put tattoo's over them to cover them up, some people long sleeves, some stockings, some long pants, some use alcohol, some drugs, some pills, the list goes on and on. Scars scares us some times, they make us afraid. someone going to find out and start asking questions? questions that gives us stress, anxiety and PTSD so we cover them up.

Let us remember that we are human beings entitled to our own healing and expressions, being vulnerable is not a sign of weakness, but more so a sign of strength and empowerment.  when we acknowledge what hurts us and connects with it, we begin to heal. I couldn't talk about this tragedy for forty years until one day in 2015, I had no choice, God needed my testimony to help you, to let you know that you don't have to suffer in silence because of your scars, you no longer need to hid them, God heard your prayers for peace, love and healing and he has sent you your miracle.

Most of the scars we carry are not our fault yet; we refuse to forgive ourselves, we refuse to forgive others, therefore we refuse to heal. Un-forgiveness stops us from loving, living, laughing, being who we were created to be, it robs us of joy.

You are not a victim, the scars are left so you can know and remember that you have survived, you are strong . Scars are not left to judge you and make you afraid but to remind you that your life is not finished yet, As a matter- of- haven't started yet.

God has given you a second chance, at the end of that is love, joy, peace and forgiveness. I am so grateful for my second chance and i hope you will take yours too. Love and appreciate you.

Nelle Richardson.




Wheelchair Ministry

Wheelchair Ministry